Today, we embark upon a journey into the realm of exposure variables, those meticulous elements that hold the power to define the quality of your prints. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned artisan, an understanding and mastery of these variables are the cornerstone of screen printing excellence.
Many printers exclusively use plastisol ink. Check out Baselayr Plastisol emulsion. The high performance emulsion will streamline production by exposing faster, rinsing out quicker, and reclaiming with less effort.
What the heck is mesh count and why does it matter? Mesh count is the number of threads crossing a screen in a square inch. A 156 mesh has 156 threads crossing every square inch, while a 320 mesh count screen has 320 threads of mesh intersecting in a single square inch. But why does that matter? How do printers choose the right mesh count for a job? Here’s a guide to the most popular mesh counts and how to use them.
Every shop’s darkroom needs are different. Depending on the shop size, budget, and performance, each darkroom needs an exposure unit that will meet — and hopefully, exceed — requirements. Whether printers are in need of a small compression unit or a single-point, high-performance unit, there’s an exposure unit that works for every shop. Use this guide to help determine which exposure unit best fits the darkroom.
Good prints start with great art and need an opaque film to burn properly onto a screen. How can printers achieve a darker, more opaque film? Here are three ways to create a darker film transparency.